GoProposal Ideas Portal

Proposals Automatically Set To Lost After 30 Days

Currently, proposals are not set to lost until you set this manually. Automatically setting a proposal to lost after the proposal validity period could be useful in providing the flags required to create follow up actions.

  • Danielle Fisher
  • Dec 20 2021
  • Great Idea Currently In The Works
  • Attach files
  • Kat Sleight commented
    02 Oct 12:34

    Good idea, I think it states somewhere that any proposal is only valid for 30 days. Think you possibly need to check length of time or be able to select a time i.e. 30 days, 60 days etc. Would also need an email sending to Proposal creator at the same time to say automatically marked as "Lost". If doing that could you also remove that "Lost" to re-send proposal and make live again if necessary.