GoProposal Ideas Portal

Use tracking code mapping for the Xero repeating invoice

The Xero repeating invoices have a line item as per the GP sent, which is great. I've then set up tracking items so that I can run reports to see how much of my business income is related to accounts or payroll tasks etc. currently all line items are coded to the 200-Sales account but I'd then like to map them to tracking categories to, so that this happens automatically.

  • Guest
  • Sep 8 2022
  • Great Idea Currently In The Works
  • Attach files
  • Gavin Spencer commented
    May 24, 2023 10:44

    Really important to do as it would save lots of admin time

  • Gavin Spencer commented
    May 24, 2023 10:42

    Tracking categories are so important, I have pods/teams and want to monitor how they are doing, whilst already having a breakdown on different sales categories which is automated in GP, but adding in a tracking category in repeating invoices would save a lot of admin time