GoProposal Ideas Portal

Allow calendar-year Alignment Fee and/or manual override of Alignment Fee

The Alignment Fee does not allow us to distinguish between services we charge based on a calendar year (annual services such as payroll reconciliations) and services we charge based on the client's financial year (such as year-end tax preparation).

Consequently, the GoProposal-generated alignment fee is frequently incorrect as it is always based on the financial year.

Making matters worse, the alignment fee can't be manually overridden when creating a proposal.

Two possible solutions:
1. Allow line item fees to be set based on either the calendar or financial year and have the alignment fee calculated accordingly, or
2. Allow a manual override of the alignment fee when creating a proposal. (We could manually calculate the correct fee and drop it in.)

  • Bill Mosca
  • Nov 22 2023
  • Love This Idea Likely To Be Coming Your Way
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  • Guest commented
    30 Apr 16:35

    This would be great to have the option to amend the alignment fee or to select different period end dates for services. This would be for the benefit of tax services, for example.

  • Jim Leeves commented
    08 Feb 13:09

    This would be great - we'd love to align monthly year end fees to part before and part after the period rather than all charged prior which is a barrier to taking people on in most cases